God still loved us with such great love (Ephesians 2:4)
Light in the Darkness Madeleine McClintock
God's grace fuels my passion to enlighten every person to this wonderful mystery (Ephesians 3:9)


Madeleine, beloved by the

Father, befriended by Jesus,

empowered by the Holy


I have been married for over 50 years. I love gardening and, with my husband Andrew, grow most of our own veg. I also love playing games (I do have a bit of a competitive streak in me) and I do enjoy reading. For the first 40 years of my married life, we lived in Sheffield; first as a primary school teacher retiring after a couple years. I then moved on to work in a Christian coffee bar as well as visiting people in prison. I am a mother of four and grandmother of ten. Over the years, Andrew and I used our large, Victorian home to host ten weddings, to accommodate thirty students along with looking after an ageing mother with dementia. In the 1990s and 2000s Andrew and I had a fascinating time in Asia and Africa on several short-term missions. In 2009, Andrew and I followed a treasure-hunt-adventure with God, by moving from Sheffield, where Andrew and I had been part of a large house church, to a small village in Kent, joining the local parish church. In our new home we still have people, from all over the world, take time out to stay in our annex. In 2012, someone told me that they felt that God had said I should write. My first response was disbelief, but, I soon saw sense!
Do email me. I love feedback!


Madeleine, beloved by the


befriended by



by the Holy


I have been married for over 50 years. I love gardening and, with my husband Andrew, grow most of our own veg. I also love playing games (I do have a bit of a competitive streak in me) and I do enjoy reading. For the first 40 years of my married life, we lived in Sheffield; first as a primary school teacher retiring after a couple years. I then moved on to work in a Christian coffee bar as well as visiting people in prison. I am a mother of four and grandmother of ten. Over the years, Andrew and I used our large, Victorian home to host ten weddings, to accommodate thirty students along with looking after an ageing mother with dementia. In the 1990s and 2000s Andrew and I had a fascinating time in Asia and Africa on several short- term missions. In 2009, Andrew and I followed a treasure-hunt- adventure with God by moving from Sheffield, where Andrew and me had been part of a large house church, to a small village in Kent, joining the local parish church. In our new home we still have people from all over the world take time out to stay in our annex. In 2012, someone told me that they felt that God had said I should write. MY first response was disbelief, but, I soon saw sense!
God still loved us with such great love (Ephesians 2:4)
Light in the Darkness Madeleine McClintock
God's grace fuels my passion to enlighten every person to this wonderful mystery (Ephesians 3:9)